Wednesday, June 27, 2007

After that second cup of coffee....

Finally the wheels start rolling! Cup number 1 is the one I hold in my hand as I walk out to feed the chicken, dog, rabbit, cat... Cup number 2 is halfway consumed before I get to the desk for my morning devotions... then over to my computer for the second round of inspiration:

I was absolutely intrigued by the name of Linda's blog: 2nd Cup of Coffee. I had to include it on my list of favorites for the title alone. After spending time reading and absorbing some of her insights, I am glad I found it! She is hysterically funny! Just what I needed to read while trying to finish my second cup of coffee and dash to the pot before it shuts off and I have to reheat cup number 3 in the microwave.

What is with those auto shut-off coffee makers, anyway?? This isn't Shoneys! I don't have to brew a fresh pot every 20 minutes. With a little extra cream and maybe a bit of sugar, that thick, dark, two-hour old coffee kinda tastes like a mocha latte, right?

On to the ?inspired? stuff...

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