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I truly enjoy Saturday mornings. It is the quietest morning of the week for me. No need to rush to wake anyone and begin the hustle through the day.
On Saturday mornings I can pause (Selah) amidst the melody that is my life... Pause and wait for the peace of God to drench me like the falling dew.
"I will be like the dew..." (Hosea 14:5)
"The dew is a source of freshness. It's natures provision for renewing the face of the earth. It falls at night, and without it vegetation would die.
Dew will never appear while there is either heat or wind. The temperature must fall, the wind cease, and the air come to a point of coolness and rest - absolute rest - before the invisible particles of moisture will become dew.
Quietness and stillness bring the dew. At night when the leaves and grass are still, the plant's pores are open to receive the refreshing and invigorating bath.
And spiritual dew comes from quietly lingering in the Master's presence. The grace of God does not come forth to bring rest and renewal to our soul until we completely reach the point of stillness before Him.
Wait before God until you feel saturated with His presence."
selections from Streams in the Desert by Mrs. L.B. Cowman
Learning to be still takes practice. With that in mind, and in the spirit of the Titus 2 woman, I hope you will join me for a little while on Saturdays and share how the Lord is teaching you to
Be still and know.
[If you want to leave a link on Mr. Linky this week, please feel free. Be sure to join me next Saturday with what the Lord has taught you about being still this week.]
That was AWESOME...I missed the Saturday Selah, our Saturday's are more like Super Sonic....it's Sunday for me that the Selah sets in....
That was just beautiful Patricia!
peace...and Selah!
Sunday tends to be Super Sonic for us.
Today it was morning worship at the mission church. Then off to town to fix our son's broken down car.
Back home to work on a garden plan for our home church's outdoor beautification committee. (Something I had planned 4 years ago, but somehow the diagrams disappeared from the church office when I resigned as secretary. So I do a redo so someone else can get to work. ;-> )
Off to church soon for evening worship. Then back home, possibly with our grandson in tow.
I struggle to keep Sundays and Saturdays from being like every other day. Since I work at my church, sometimes when I go to church I feel like I'm going to work. That's tricky.
Now - having named my daughter SELAH - this is a most awesome meme and am now wondering, "Is this something new that YOU are starting?" If yes.... NEAT!
Count me in. I love the open-ended meme that just lets me write and muse and prattle and yea- yea -yea..... Selah .
although, i'm responding to this on a monday ;-(
(...was busy planning birthday party Saturday)
Yes, this is one I'm starting.
Our pastor and minister of music had a neat thing they did on Sunday nights through the summer. At the beginning of the evening worship, they would ask the congregation to respond to "What Is God Teaching Me?" Anyone who wished to respond got a microphone and shared what God had been showing him or her the previous week.
So, since almost everyone I've met on these blogs are busy with family, friends, and work (at home or outside the home), I thought Saturday Selah would be a great way to share how God is teaching us to pause and just be with Him.
I absolutely LOVE this and can't wait to join in on this...Saturday mornings are my Selah as well and I am so incredibly thankful for that!
I can't wait to jump in next week!
Melissa in Mel's World
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